Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Church in Tuscany

The experience you gave me,
My friend,
Showing me the beautiful,
Those ancient lines drawn by
Men long dead
But alive for all they touch my heart
Cannot be repeated
Or given me by another
Never in all time.
To have shown to me
The delight of your eyes,
And have shared with me
This secret knowledge of your heart
What more can man give?
And I will never quite know
How it was that we shared this,
You and I
Eye to eye, and eye to art
This breath taking delight
This golden thought arrested
For eternity in the mind of Elohim.
May heaven contain its shrine
As does my mind for time
And may there bowered be
In those mansions of Elysium
This moment and your hand in mine.

December 28, 2000

1 comment:

ceichy said...

This was such a blessing to read today. Thanks for the art!